Sunday, February 16, 2014

Delayed Beginnings

So this week was....mildly unsuccessful. I'll just do a quick rundown of my week.

Monday: First day of school. Tried crashing a Drawing I class and got put on a 30 person waiting list. Also, turns out I won't be taking my sociology class after all, since the instructor didn't mention the add slips were first come first serve and ran out before she told me. (Either way it's my fault, but still).

Tuesday: Tried crashing a different Drawing I class with Gerry, a cool art teacher I met a year or so ago....but he didn't show up due to having the flu. Got put on another wait list. Crashed a Life Drawing class that evening and was placed on spot #2 on the wait list.....and the instructor said I'm as good as in now since it's the most difficult art class in the school, so people will drop for sure. Yay(?)

Wednesday: Went to the second meeting of the first Drawing I class. Did a neat contour drawing exercise. The teacher was strict, but cool. That night I went to go see Lego Movie and it was AWEESOMMEEE!! I loved it. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I sure enjoyed the hell out of it.

Thursday: Drawing I with Gerry went....interestingly. We didn't draw at all, we just talked as a class...which was nice. However, at the end of class, he showed us his sketchbooks. I regret to say though...I wasn't particularly impressed. His work was good, and he clearly had a strong foundation, and he was seasoned, but it wasn't fantastic. Granted, it was just a sketchbook or two, and I'm bad a gauging how good people are from a few sketches, but I'd honestly say, from what I saw, he's only a few steps ahead of me, which pains me to say because I admire him a lot, and I hate comparing my work to other people, I think I just expected a lot since he's an art instructor with a Master's in Illustration. I'm sure he's an incredible artist, again, it's just what I saw.

Friday: What did I do on Friday? Hmm, I think I just drew all day. I found out about this neat Animation Academy thing not too far from me, so I'm thinking about taking classes there too (as if I had any classes already).

Saturday: Umm..I drew some more. Saturday was really just a boring day. I just drew and played video games, and my laptop's mouse pad got all screwed, I fixed it.....for now.

Sunday: Today I went to an African Arts and Film Festival...and it was...interesting. I love all types of art, and African art has always had this unique spin to it that made me admire it. Also saw 'Ride Along' with Kevin Hart and it was pretty funny. Better than I expected, but the theater was small and smelly...meh. Now I'm sitting in my room, regretting overeating at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.

So that was my week in review. And as I stated before, I drew a lot, but I can't say I've really gotten any better, just been doing some studies. Here are just a few drawings I did:


My feet kinda suck...meh, I'll work on it.

Expressions. Did these like a week ago.

I like him...don't know why.


Character Designs. I like drawing bee I did.

Till next update. Laterz.

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