Friday, May 3, 2019

End of a chapter (Part 1)

...4 years later lmao

Needless to say, a lot's happened in the past few years since I updated this blog, but I figured I'd do it anyway for my own sake.

This entire art school journey/saga has been a timeee - and it's nice to see how far I've come, but weird to know that it's over. I'm currently laying in my bed in Canada, a fresh art school graduate, and soon-to-be Disney intern, but I'll give a summary of the past years, for shits and giggles.


Maybe like 2 or 3 weeks after my last post on this blog, I received my acceptance from Sheridan Animation, and I was ecstatic! I remember having to convince my parents a little to let me go, but it eventually worked and soon I would be on my way. That summer during 2015 had to be maybe one of the best summers I've ever had??? I spent almost every day out and about with my friend Britney and we would go out and draw and have sitcom-like adventures. I learned a lot from her in terms of what to prepare for in art school, and by the time I got to Sheridan in the fall, I felt decently prepared. I gained popularity as a standout in my year - partially due to my work, but I really think it was my loud personality at the time lol. I was really excited to be in art school so I would engage with people a lot. My memory is a bit vague with certain details of this year, and there are certain things that happened that I'd rather....not publish....but I also had quite the active romantic life during this year, so things really went well for me for the most part. Came out to my family to this year, since my cousins and grandma all came out for a cruise around my birthday around June.


This year was a huge challenge for me in pretty much every year...and frankly, one of the worst years I've had in a while. 2nd semester of first year was pretty okay from what I remember, but overall I vaguely remember having a harder time - it could have just been my personal life, which was experiencing some issues at the time. But really, it was the summer that wrecked me...long story short, I experienced a massive betrayal by two people extremely close to me, and I realized I had been manipulated for months. Unfortunately, this ruined my summer, but it somehow gave me a drive to do something crazy??? I decided that I would flesh out one of my story concepts, "The Chargers" and pitch it by the end of my 2nd year, and that I would apply to the Cartoon Network internship. Idk exactly what inspired me to do so, but when I got back to Sheridan, I moved in to one of the apartments with a friend of mine from my year (we had a cat from our 3rd roommate too lol) and I hit the ground running. And by winter break, I starting dating the guy I liked for years - so it looked like things were going well entering the new year.


Hmmm...this year was a weird mix. 2nd year ended both really good and really bad. Artistically, it ended well - I didn't land an internship but I made a portfolio that I was super proud of, and I completed the leica reel for the first episode of "The Chargers" and I pitched it a couple of weeks after I got home for the summer. It ended badly though because I had a really bad falling out with a friend, I wound up breaking up with my boyfriend (it was my decision but it still sucked), and I made and lost another friend in the span of the summer over something kinda dumb. Got into my first car accident the first week of summer and idk it was just messy. It wasn't ALL bad tho - I had some really great times over the summer, and frankly, I think the year was mostly pretty alright. When 3rd year started, I was kinda complacent (maybe too much so) because I had already made a portfolio, so I wasn't stressing as much, I started up in the stop motion group and things were going pretty well at the time - AND Sheridan had a 5 week teachers strike...which meant no one had any classes for over a month. Personally, I enjoyed it, cus 3rd year's class structure was super loose anyway and I wasn't learning much, so I pretty much just chilled a lot more than I should have. That winter, Steve (my roommate) and I went out to LA for winter break and had a great time. We had to be back before new years since the strike ate up our winter break time, but it was still good.


Oh boyyy....what a year this was. Looking back on it, it was kinda...bad. I mean, TONS of good stuff happened during the year too - of course, but I just remember being sad and feeling emotionally neglected for the better part of the year. I didn't land any internships...again.... which sucked because I had a pretty good lead with Cartoon Network, but I didnt get any callback, and all my friends got jobs. My stop motion group film was a mess because I basically became the problem child, so I felt a bit emotionally distanced from my group, and the whole summer break I was struggling to stay afloat since my self esteem was at an all time low - which didn't help when I had two extremely difficult romantic struggles piled on top of that. The great parts of the year were meeting and bonding with my friend Alfred, mentoring under Richard Chavez (who lives 10 min from me), and having an amazing first week of summer with my 3rd roommate Liam (not the guy with the cat...guy with the cat moved out after one year). The summer was honestly pretty good overall, and the fall semester, though I was in constant emotional pain, I had a ton of artistic success. I was reviewed by big studios in the span of 2 months. I got reviewed by Disney feature animation, Disney TV, Pixar, Dreamworks TV (two different reviews), and Nickelodeon. Somehow, I actually did really well at all reviews and I got really helpful feedback. I got the reviews at CTN, except for the Nick one, that one I got during the Ottawa International Film Festival - which i attended and it was also super fun. Over winter break, I just binged watched Bojack Horseman and started my story portfolio for Pixar.

I'm actually super tired right now, so I'll post a part 2 tomorrow lol

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